GTA 5 Street Racer Mod For Pc
( ModVersion) V1.2
StreetRacer will be road racing in Los Santos!In the morning we drive on mountain roads and at night we drive on roadways.
At 1000p.m. game time, StreetRacer spawns and heads out on the trace. At 600 AM, it heads for the mountain pass.
20 or further vehicles
5 or further road races
Customization of 5 vehicles
NPCs that work on time

5 or further road races
Customization of 5 vehicles
NPCs that work on time
Vehicles to be used aimlessly

Menu Key
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET v3
NET Framework 4.8 and higher
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
Install [StreetRacer.dll] and [StreetRacer(Folder)] the /scripts/ folder

I and my associates, and any group or association to which I belong, shall be held inoffensive from any and all damages or blights caused by the use of this mod.
I, my cells, and any associations to which I belong aren't responsible for any
I, my cells, and any groups or associations to which I belong assume no responsibility whatsoever for any problems, damages, or blights caused by the use of this software. Use at your own threat.
I am a Japanese inventor. restatement is used in places.
By enoyan.
Added street racing.
Rewards are now given after the completion of street races.
The best time and rank for each street race is now saved.
Participation in street races is now charged.
Custom vehicles have been replaced.
Minor corrections were made.
Bug fixes.