GTA San Andreas Vulture Vs Mysterio Abilities Mod

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GTA San Andreas Vulture Vs Mysterio Abilities Mod

Press and hold Z and X button to activate and deactivate the menu
Use arrows key (UP & Down) or normal movements key ( W & S) to move the selection
Press SPACE Button to select and Press ENTER button to cancel
If you have chose Playable Character or Spawn As Enemy Press T to exit the mod.

Press 3 to activate and deactivate wings engine
Press 4 to activate and deactivate flight mode
* This only possible if the wings engine is set to activated
Press 2 to switch wings mode between "Hover Mode" and "Follow Mode"
Press 1 to attach and detach wings for the player:
* Attaching the wings requires the wings mode to be on "Follow Mode"
* Detaching the wings requires the wings engine set to activated
While in the flight mode, use arrows key or normal movements key ( W,A,S,D ) to move the player
Press and hold SPACE to fly much faster
Press and hold aim button ( Right-Click ) to change player's direction
While in the flight mode, press F to catch nearby vehicle or pedestrian
Press F again to release the target
While in the flight mode, Press R & Z to the fly the player up and down respectively

GTA San Andreas Vulture Vs Mysterio Abilities Mod

Press and hold aim button ( Right-click ) to make drones shoot M4 bullets
Press 9 to spawn & despawn rock barrier
Press 8 to drop an illusion rock
Press X to hide and show the drones
Press and hold Z to move the illusion suit from air to the player or doing pose animation
Press 1 to activate & deactivate illusion suit
If player is wearing the illusion suit, Press R to release the illusion suit to the air 
If the drones doing glitches or bugged, press 5 to reset all of the drones Special effect (green spell & smoke effect) will only occur after the player is wearing the illusion suit and hiding the drones To manually control the drone, first you have to release the illusion suit to the air
After that, press 3 to manually control the drone or exit the drone
(This part below only available once you have manually control the drone)
Use arrows key or normal movements key ( W,A,S,D ) to move the drone
Press and hold aim button (right-click) to change drone's direction
Press R & Z to the fly the drone up & down respectively
Press 0 to switch to M4 Mode
Press 9 to switch to Shock Mode (explosion)
Press and hold fire button ( Left-click ) to shoot with the current weapon mode
Press X to hide or show the illusion suit
Press and hold SPACE to fly much faster Special effect (green spell & smoke effect) will only occur after the drone is showing the illusion suit

This mission only available after choosing Spawn As Enemy
Both the Vulture and Mysterio has to be defeated by making their health bar to zero
Defeat them and you'll be rewarded to get $50,000
These enemies are collision-proof, fire-proof, and explosion-proof
To make it more challenging you can also set them to bullet-proof (optional)
The mission will fail if the player health bar reaches zero or get busted
Making the enemy die headshotted will also fail the mission (to avoid cheat)
Unique to the Vulture enemy mission, it will fail if the player getting far away from him

Download Link: Click Here
Password: Fully Update Games
Size: 20MB 
File Name: Vulture Vs Mysterio Abilities

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